Tuesday 14 February 2012

E-Stings Research

This E4 ident has being created using CGI and animation. Images have been created on the computar using digital imagary and superimposed over the top of one another to create one visual image. All of the colours used represent the channel as it is prodominantly wjite and purple therefore allows the audience to associate the ident with the channel immediatly. As we see the the army of e's coming towards the screen animated to create the illusion of movement the music begins to get louder and louder creating tension working with the background setting as it appears to be a dark stormy night to create an intense atmosphere. We the see the 4's running towards the E's from the opposite direction and immediatly the audience knows what the ad is about and who it is an ident for. The music begins to soften as the two meet merging together to create the E4 logo and calm is restored as we the the transformation from what could represent hell to heaven as the logo's appear to float off into the sky and the music slowly softens to sway the mood. This ident is very good and clearly represents the channel with the good use of colour connatations and the logo is used throughout. Although the idea is simple it leaves a lasting impression on the viewer as the traditional difference between heaven and hell is well portrayed ending with the E4 logo's going to heaven metaphorocally sugessting the channel is a small peice of heaven and will leave you the viewer feeling good. Humour is also introduces as the ident is very far fetched and unrealistic although allows thw viewer to use their imagination.

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